Your financial support and generosity enables us to create the relevant ministry and quality environments that help fulfill our mission as a church. God is doing incredible things through New Hope and we love that you're a part of it. Giving has never been about nice buildings, fancy gear or getting bigger. It’s about developing passionate followers of Jesus so that they may experience a relationship with God. It’s about God’s transforming power over broken lives. It’s about families being healed, marriages restored and relationships mended. It's about making an impact in our community through reaching the people of east central Minnesota and beyond. That's why we do what we do. And that's what your giving supports.


  • Many times we tend to look at the size of the gift or the goodness of the cause. But Jesus measured generosity by a different standard: the condition of the giver’s heart. The best place to begin is by giving 10 percent of your income, which was modeled for us in the Old Testament. Some may want to start with more or less, but it's often best to begin with a set percentage on a regular basis and increase as God leads you.

    Key things to do before giving:

    • Ask God for direction

    • Choose a percentage and commit to it

    • Remember everything you have belongs to God - the act of giving is simply offering back to God what is already His

  • The way that makes you feel most comfortable is the best for you. However, we believe that online or mobile giving is the easiest and most cost efficient way to give. It's automatic, secure, and immediately reflects in your giving record.

  • Currently we have a General Fund for ministry expenses, Exponential 2.0 Fund for our building expenses, and a Designated Fund for Community Care and other specific expenses. We ask you to support New Hope through any of these three funds. The church staff and board carefully consider how our funds will be distributed among our ministries in a way that keeps our mission and most important values at the forefront. If you would like to support a specific ministry, it's important you designate it in a memo or notes section with your gift. If not designated, gifts will be attributed to the General Fund.

  • We're here to help! Email us at